CASE STUDY: Master Planning
Saint Joseph’s Health & Retirement Center Master Plan, Ojai, CA
The Project:
Develop a Master Plan for converting an existing Skilled Nursing Facility to Assisted Living and for replacing the existing Skilled Nursing Facility with a new facility on adjacent land zoned and used for agricultural purposes.
The Challenge:
Obtain voter approval for a General Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Conditional Use Permit for the proposed expansion. This was approved by Ventura County voters in 2000 (Ballot Measure 9).
The Solution:
Organize and coordinate a consultant team including clients and their representatives, Social Services and Health Facilities planners, gerontologists, design professionals, traffic engineers and governmental agency and utility company representatives to develop the Master Plan, prepare the necessary exhibits and present these to political advisers, prospective patrons, and to the Catholic Diocese in Los Angeles.